Uh oh! Your problem is underpricing...
Mrs. White is poisoning your profit with the poison in the kitchen!!!
Your tendency to undervalue your offers and services is killing your profit.
So you had a killer month - you’ve booked a ton of jobs, and you’re feeling great about your revenue - until the bills start rushing in, and you don’t have the money to pay them. You thought all of the client work you had booked in would cover the bills for months, but when you do the math, the rates you’re charging don’t leave you much profit to speak of.
How to overcome underpricing issues
To deal with Mrs White, you have to start inside yourself, with how you feel about your offering and the value you’re providing to customers and clients - but the truth is that learning to charge what you’re worth often takes time. The good news is, even if you’re seriously time-poor, my Biz Stress Test (the same concept featured in Business Insider) will help you sort out those pricing problems in minutes - and it’s waiting for you inside my free Profit Maximizer guide.
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Chief Detective in Charge of Stopping Profit Killers
I’m also an Agency Owner, and my superpower is teaching people how to maximize their profit (and then teaching them how to make lots of it). It sounds boring (and then kind of great - who doesn’t want lots of money???) but I promise, I can make money totally bearable and understandable.
I'm a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and Duquesne University (with a Bachelor's in Economics and an MBA in Finance), but - and this is what they DON’T teach you while doing an MBA - I’m also the kind of guy who can translate all that into easy-to-understand and implementable actions.
That, my friend, is how I stop Profit Killers.