Hey Freelancer or Agency Owner...

You realize the more profit, the more impact you can make.

So the question is....

How do you become more profitable?

Nev Welcome 5
Nev Welcome 7



To the number one (and only) on demand course for freelancers and agency owners where we teach you to grow your profits even if you’re terrible with numbers.

My goal with this course is to

help agencies and freelancers finally solve the mystery of their finances in a fun, simplified and empowering way. Oh also make you offensively rich. Obviously. 

This course was developed out of a desire to help my agency owner and freelancer friends, because I kept hearing the same thing over and over and one thing was SUPER clear:  

Freelancers and Agency Owners, at various stages of their business journey, just had no idea what was going on with their money situation. They needed help.

I worked with them one on one to help them build better money systems, but soon I realized that this kind of financial help was needed on a much larger scale, and to be delivered in a way that wasn’t boring, or intimidating or wanky.

Are you ready to supercharge profits and make the impact
you’ve always dreamed of?



Make Profit and Impact!


I know what you’re thinking:
“Hey, Nev…sounds great but I have bills.”

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Great point, Friend!  Here’s the lowdown:
You’re not a charity but making an insane profit is the best way to be charitable.  I built this course to show you the best way to make Elon Musk type profit while making an impact on everyone and everything in your life.
It sounds overly simplistic but guess what? It is. 

Understanding your finances is a powerful tool as a agency owner.  Unfortunately, the finance sector is filled with people who unnecessarily use big scary phrases like, “accounts receivable”, "accrual" and “amortization”...and that’s just the A’s!!  Also basically using the same word to mean different things - gross profit vs net profit(who does that)?!! 🤯  This all make the rest of us mere mortals glaze over with boredom and confusion.

Ask yourself this...

  • Are you tired of opening up your financial spreadsheets and feeling like you want to take a nap? 
  • Do you not know how much money your business is making? 
  • Or where the money is coming from?
  • Do you consistently tell yourself that you’re no good at math? 
  • Are you secretly terrified that your business is failing? 
  • Cutting your price to help someone at the expense of your business and your family’s best interest?
  • Know you could do so much more if you just made more?
  • Want the freedom which was a big part of your small business dream?

You are not alone my friend. We can help.

Profit and Impact Mockup
Profit and Impact

An online course that teaches you (Agency Owners, Freelancers and all-around Math Avoiders) how to understand your money so you can use it to make an impact.

It’s a 6-week on demand course complete with all the easy-to-use templates you need to simplify your finances while growing your profits.

After completing this course you’ll be able to substantially grow your profits in a way that benefits your family, your team, and others you care about, while giving you financial security. Baller, right?

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So what will happen once I complete this course?

  • You will actually understand your business cash flow and be able to tweak it so you can earn more $$$
  • You will have lifetime access to our easy to use templates, spreadsheets and budgeting tools 
  • You will have access to the amazing Know Your Numbers Community
  • You will have the peace of mind to manage your money the smart way and stop burying your head in the sand when anyone asks you about your business financials

Sound good?

April Wier BW

Nev is my go-to for any question I have about money. His advice is solid and his spirit generous.


what's inside



Your thoughts can make you rich! Just kidding… try that and you’ll starve! But if you want to really grow your profit you have to change the way you view your numbers and money in general. This module sets the foundation for your profits to grow and your impact to multiply.


  • Why 67% of NBA players are bankrupt within 5 years of retiring
  • How to avoid the curse of the big jackpot lottery winner
  • How to make lasting change to your financial situation through applying this course

The destination – Your Desires and Motivations

Not another person teaching about goals.

Nev takes a completely different approach so that you achieve your goals instead of just set them.  I understand the frustration with feeling like you’re making a bunch of sales, but you’re always feeling like your business is limited by the resources you have.  You don’t have the money to spend on things you need to grow your business. Or livin' la vida loca to achieve the impact you want.

That stops here!

Sign up.  Log in.  And start living the vida loca!


  • Why most goal setting strategies fail
  • A system for setting goals that you will consistently achieve
  • In short, how to take goals from the dream stage to the done stage

The roadmap – creating your freedom budget

Ewwww…. Sounds so restrictive!

Hey! I work for myself because I don’t want any person or spread sheet to tell me what to do! Welllll, my friend, you’re in luck!  My way of budgeting gives you the freedom to spend money any way you want, any time you want.  The trick is putting that purchase into perspective.


  • How to give every dollar a job so your money’s working for you and not against you
  • An easy way to create a budget you can stick to.  (Easy to use templates included.)
  • How to feel empowered and not restricted by budgeting.

The Daily Itinerary: Your decision Support System

Decisions!  Decisions!  Decisions! Onions on that salad during the first date? That drunken tattoo? After your best friend’s bachelorette party.
😬 🙄

So many decisions to be made in one day!

Wouldn’t it be nice to have some help?  This module is the combination of a trusted friend, business coach, and psychic all rolled into one. 


  • In a nutshell, make more confident decisions
  • Make clearer, less emotional decisions
  • Stop over spending and wasting money
  • Objectively evaluate all options (think staffing, software and new clients/projects)
  • Eliminate buyers remorse or taking on clients that don’t fit with you

The vehicle – Pricing


If you just cringed, groaned or even shed a tear because you have always struggled with pricing your services and products, don't worry you are not alone! And this module was created just for you.


  • 9 proven pricing strategies
  • The best pricing strategies for YOUR business type
  • How to triple (yes triple!) what you are currently charging
  • The principles of future proof pricing

Your Travel Guide – Simplifying Financial Statements

Want to - See into your business future?  Stop making the same profit killing mistakes over and over?  Control your cashflow like a Rockstar?  Read on.

Do the words financial statement cause fear, confusion, or knock you out like Nyquil... zzzz. you’re missing out on powerful tools to grow your profit and impact.  Don't worry... I got you! If this is you, this module is exactly what you need.


  • How to have better insight into your business
  • Know the questions you need to ask your bookkeeper and/or accountant
  • Know exactly how much money you made or lost on a job
  • How to simplify the complex language typically used in financial reports
  • How to understand cash flow so that you can understand possible problems ahead of time.... and stop them from happening
Cat Townsend BW

As an optimistic creative, I always ignored the money and focused on the work. Nevin helped me realise that focusing on the money could help me do more work that actually matters. It's changed my world!




Extra Bonuses

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Extra support via our EXCLUSIVE Facebook group. It's so exclusive you can't even buy your way in unless you join this course. Velvet rope all the way.

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Bi-weekly, live Q&A coaching calls where you can get all your questions answered.

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Bonus 3

Exclusive video access of Troy Dean and Nev Harris presenting at MavCon Australia on building authority, premium position and pricing.

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Bonus 4

Video masterclass - Filmmaker and agency owner, Greg Koorhan, gives step by step directions on how to create high quality video so no one will ever know that it was done on a budget.

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Bonus 5

Branding Training - Personal branding guru Ellissa Jayne gives a masterclass on why you absolutely must have a personal brand (Fun fact: She is the genius behind the Nev Harris brand.)

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Bonus 6

One on one coaching call with Nev Harris to review financial reports, pricing strategy and answer your questions.



Talking about my business finances normally makes me want to breathe into a paper bag. Nev has a clever way of making it interesting, non-threatening and dare I say it… kind of fun? His can-do attitude left me empowered to take control of the finances of the business, without passing out from boredom. If you have a creative business, his smarts are what you need.



  • You want to take control of your financial freedom
  • You have a burning desire for your business to make a much bigger impact on your family, your team, your clients, and your community and causes you care about.
  • You have a positive attitude and you’re ready to work hard even if you don’t have a clue about money
  • You want to supercharge your profit.


  • You get bored easily
  • You need a lot of supervision/hand holding
  • You want someone else to do the hard work for you
  • You really want to do the course but you don't have the time to dedicate to it right now
  • You're only doing the course because all the cool kids are doing it

My promise to you is you can understand your numbers it’s not your fault if you don’t.  They were never clearly explained to you.

That ENDS today if you click the button below.

Profit and Impact


  • Full access to my 6 week course (VALUE $1495)
  • Entry to the exclusive Facebook group (VALUE $495)
  • Biweekly, Live Q&A coaching calls (VALUE $995)
  • A copy of all my easy-to-use templates, spreadsheets, and frameworks. (VALUE $395)
  • Full support for every step of your journey (priceless)
Profit and Impact Mockup

Why is Nev the best person to guide you?

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Hey! I’m Nev! 

I'm an Agency Owner who teaches people how to understand their money and how to use it as a tool to grow their business


I'm a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and Duquesne University, with a Bachelor's in Economics and an MBA in Finance.  


After graduating, I learned pretty quickly that staring at spreadsheets for 10 hours a day wasn’t my thing... so I started a mortgage company that helped people with bad credit.  I created a unique process designed for clients who had “bad credit”, and it was a complete game-changer.  By going through our comprehensive financial counseling and repair program, our clients were able to repair their credit, and learn the skills and knowledge needed to not end up in the same place again.  


As you would know...Mortgage Broker became a bad word after the 2008 financial collapse.   So after that I took what I thought would be a dream job where I could do marketing and analysis... but ended up hating having a boss… you feel me? 


7 years ago I started an agency and dove into the creative and vibrant world of internet agencies.  As I met other agency owners, I realized there was a big, big problem in the agency world:  The creatives I was meeting were struggling to understand the financial side of running their business.  They’d built an agency based on their incredible talent and vision, but their lack of financial know-how was holding them back from really being able to scale their agency profits, and their impact.


And THAT made me angry! 


You see, we as agency owners and freelancers are not taught the language of money.  And time and time again I was seeing creatives burying their heads in the sand when it came to profit, pricing and process, to the point it was damaging their business (and often their health).


Money talk doesn’t need to be scary.  Or boring.  Or something you do behind closed doors with an accountant who appears to be speaking another language (I call it “Accountant-ese” - a language that uses complex and confusing words for simple concepts).


So I had my mission - help Agency Owners and Freelancers price with confidence, get over the fear of having a good, hard look at the financial health of their business, and empower them with the knowledge to have better conversations with their accountants and bookkeepers. I know agency owners and freelancers can understand their money it was just never clearly explained to them.  I am here to change that so they can have less stress, more freedom, and higher profits.


As a speaker I travel internationally to speak to agencies and freelancers about understanding money and using it as a tool to grow a their profits and be able to make the impact they dream about. Oh I’ve also been featured on the two big Fs - Fox and Forbes. So I might know a thing or two. 😉


Outside of work, you’ll find me:


This course is NOT going to change the world but it’s my way of making an impact on those who resonate with my beliefs.  And if I help 10,000 of you supercharge your profit so you can make a bigger impact THAT my friend WILL change world bit by bit.  I invite you to join this movement if growing your profit and the impact you can have on those you care about is the driving force behind your business.


Looking forward to creating a brighter and more profitable future together.

Nev Only