EP 8. KATHY DREWIEN: The Support Network Advantage

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We all need somebody to lean on. Just ask Bill Withers (and, well, all of the people who have covered his song) – no one makes it through the journey of life on their own, and with the right support network, you can work business miracles. 

When you find someone who gets you, who’s REALLY in tune with your high and low points, you’ll end up with much more than a brief conversation and maybe a new friend on Facebook. 

You’ll get the wonderful feeling that you’re part of something bigger – it’s even more satisfying than finding that stray $5 bill down the side of the couch. 

You might not feel in need of support right now (and if that’s the case, go you!), but it’s a great thing to be able to draw on – especially on those days when the world seems to be CRUMBLING around you. Even if the idea of sharing your troubles makes you cringe, you shouldn’t be afraid to lean on someone….

…especially if your support person is half as capable as Atlanta WP Coach founder Kathy Drewien. 

Kathy has experienced her fair share of financial devastation early in her career, but with the support of her WordPress family, she transformed herself into a successful agency owner. 

These days, Kathy spends her time waving that wand of synergy over clients and fellow creatives in the WordPress community at WordCamps and Meetups, creating results that can only be described as…well, magical. 

In this episode of Profit and Impact, Kathy gives Nev an insight into the power of community, the influence of self-talk, and the parallels between managing clients and caring for expensive cookware. 

So what’s this conversation REALLY about?

  • How to make others feel better (and why you really should) 
  • The true value of a name, and what to do when you forget one
  • The importance of being kind to yourself
  • The real danger of entitlement

Why you should listen

We all feel a little lonely every now and then, but with Kathy’s practical advice, you’ll be building and fortifying your own tribe – and, of course, your bank balance – in no time. Stronger, healthier relationships (and websites) are just a few icebreakers away.


Atlanta WP Coach

You can quote me on that… 

“If you’re selling WordPress, you’re barking up the wrong tree. You need to be selling your expertise and your ability to get to what they really want.” – Nev Harris

“If we come from that mindset of wanting to be helpful and help people solve their problems, it’s easy to fall into that trap of nurturing them or attempting to take care of them.” – Kathy Drewien 

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