Deep Dive

Next year results today

Dramatically increase your profits by:

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You've built a successful business.


It wasn’t pretty but you ground it out.  There were a lot of stressful days (and nights for that matter)!  Sometimes you were not even sure how you did it, but you did it!!

If you're like the rest of my clients, you did it by relentlessly focus on the client, your people and your marketing.  

You probably didn’t pay super close attention to how efficient your business was running though.

Your pricing was profitable
Your cost were manageable
Your team got enough done

It was definitely good enough but…

At this level though little things can make a big difference.

This is what the Deep Dive is about finding and fixing the parts  of your business that will have an outsized impact on your profit.  

for example:

Let's look at Amazon Prime membership and the 2022 price increase.

Amazon Prime Members White

Now Think of ubiquitous pop can lip. 

The innovation to cut out the little bit of aluminum on the lip saved 7Up tens of millions.
they enjoyed for years

Pepsi Vs 7 Up Big

You're not a big corporation like them


You can steal some tricks from them

Deep Dive

Applications are not open at this time.
Fill out the form and you will be the first to know when they are open.

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Increase profit by 10%
of your revenue

(i.e. your take home pay).

This year…next year… and every year after that.

New Profit
Deep Dive

If that number is big enough to make your eyes pop out of your head like Roger Rabbit, the Deep Dive might be right for you.

Do you meet the Deep Dive qualifications


$300,000 to $4,000,000 in sales

My target is to add 10% of your sales added to your profit.  For this to make financial sense for both of us you have to have reached a certain point so  there is a big enough win. 

You're ready to get serious

I have time a for a very limited amount of people every cycle. Of course,  I can't help but make it fun but I take getting you results very serious and I expect you come with the same level of seriousness. 

Been there done that

Most people I work with on this level have already picked the low hanging fruit.  They've done the general stuff bought an online course, went to a conference, joined a mastermind.  Now they want to tackle the finance side of their business in an intimate and impactful way. 

By application only

(not for marketing hype)


  • You work directly with me 
  • My time does not scale
  • There are limited slots each cycle
Deep Dive

Applications are not open at this time.
Fill out the form and you will be the first to know when they are open.

How it Works

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  • Fill out the short application 
  • If you spend the time to do that, I promise to personally reply back to either set up a talk or let you know why it’s not a good fit at this time.
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  • I get to know your business.  I'll explain the program in more detail and you can ask any questions you have.
    This is a pitch free matchmaking meeting NOT a sales call.
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  • You've been accepted into the 6 week program.  We craft and execute a personalized strategy for finding the hidden profit in you business.
  • This is where it gets fun and interesting.
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  • That and something much better…HIGHER PROFITS!
  • Also successfully completing the Deep Dive opens entry into my highest tier of advisory services.
Deep Dive

Applications are not open at this time.
Fill out the form and you will be the first to know when they are open.


Talking about my business finances normally makes me want to breathe into a paper bag. Nev has a clever way of making it interesting, non-threatening and dare I say it… kind of fun? His can-do attitude left me empowered to take control of the finances of the business, without passing out from boredom. If you have a creative business, his smarts are what you need.