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Hey Agency Owner and Freelancers…

Does the word ‘cashflow’ keep you awake at night?


We can help with that.

Cashflow Made Simple is a simple 3 module course that will help you nail your business finances. So you know, you can spend your nights doing way

cooler things

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Stop squirming and sweating and then deflect by replying ‘Um… let me talk to my bookkeeper’ when people ask you how your business cash flow is going. 

Instead, look them in the eye, give them a smile and say:

‘Great, thanks.
I just bought my second yacht’.

Have you ever been to a business seminar and sat there while a boring dude in a cheap suit says words like ‘bottom line’ and ‘in the black’ and ‘Does anyone own a Blue Dodge Avenger? You’ve left your lights on.’?

Did you sit there nodding, trying to look like you understood what was going on when you were actually playing Bejeweled on your phone and Googling the nearest noodle house so you could escape having lunch with Weird Ned from Weird Ned’s Mobile Dog Wash?


Me too. And I have an MBA in finance. How’s that for a laugh?

The thing is finances and money are difficult to understand on purpose. The people at the top (accountants, bookkeepers, financial planners) use all this high-falutin language to keep it confusing for us mere mortals. Fair enough. It keeps them in business. 

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I can almost guarantee, money was never explained to you simply and clearly. That’s what I’m here for. 

Understanding your money will change your personal and business life. I guarantee it. 

If you… 

  • Feel like day drinking every time you look at your finance spreadsheets 
  • Avoid calls from your accountant 
  • Wake up with cold sweats at tax time 
  • Have no idea how much money you actually have 
  • Want to be a human Scrooge McDuck with a swimming pool full of cash 

You’re in the right place. 

I'll help you get over the fear of having a good, hard look at the financial health of your business and show your cash flow who’s boss. (Hint: You. You’re the boss.) 

So where does this leave the rest of us? Confused, bewildered and shoving our credit card statements in drawers unopened because we’re too scared to look at them.

Why are we like this?


Who even is

this guy?


I’m Nev! 

No, not the guy from Catfish although I’d kill for those teeth. What a smile. 

I’m an agency owner who teaches people how to understand their money and use that super powerful knowledge to grow their business. 

‘But… are you even qualified to do that?’ I hear you ask. 

You betcha!


about nev


I'm a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and Duquesne University, with a Bachelor's in Economics and an MBA in Finance.  

My main mission in life to make the world of finances easy for everyone to understand. 

Money talk doesn’t need to be scary.  Or boring. Or something you do behind closed doors with an accountant who appears to be speaking another language. I call it “Accountantese” - an overly complex language that is most often spoken by financial planners and accountants and is unable to be mastered by anyone else. 

I’m here to be your “Accountantese” translator and help you become the baller boss you always wanted to be. 



So… what’s in this course?

Glad you asked! 

Cashflow Made Simple is a three-module online course for Agency Owners and Freelancers that teaches you a system for easily managing cash flow. The best bit is that the system is interchangeable. You can change businesses, change directions or change career paths and the system will still work for you. 

What exactly is delivered: 

  • An easy to use template designed to help you understand your cashflow so you can have more freedom in your business.   
  • The technique big corporations use to smooth out cash flow modified for agency owners
  • A proven system for you to know when you should save... and when you can spend 
  • Our Business Expense Tracker template to help you take action and get those finances sorted.
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I've been trying for years to wrap my head around our company's cash flow. With Nev's help and putting his cash flow and expenses spreadsheets to use I was able to find clarity with our numbers. It's been tremendously helpful during the current COVID-19 circumstances. He is a wealth of knowledge! I look forward to using his finance systems to improve the health of my company as we move forward.

Karla Fisher, CEO Authentic Web Solutions

take a look inside

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Tracking Your Expenses

Learn Nev’s quick and easy expense tracking system. A clear picture of your expenses is the KEY to better cashflow in your business and this module will give you step by step instructions on how to do it.  After all, you can’t begin to manage your cash flow without knowing your expenses. 

You’ll leave this module with your expenses tracked neatly in the template and more than a few ah ha moments..#winning

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Cash Flow Basics

Now you have a handle on your expenses (like an ACTUAL boss), this module will equip you with the knowledge you need to manage the flow of money in your business, bringing you less stress and more YES. You get Nev’s whole system and training around mastering your cash flow.  As always it includes useful templates to make the teaching immediately actionable in your business.  

We all love to learn but if you can’t easily and quickly implement what you learn in your business it just becomes a leisure activity. #learningwithoutimplementingisleisure


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Credit Cards and Cash Flow

Should you pick Credit or Debit when asked?  Does it matter? More than you realize.

Also… are credit cards evil?  Most debt is evil but credit cards used appropriately  certainly aren’t, no matter what your grandmother told you!  Learn the tips and tricks multi-million dollar businesses use to master and control their cashflow.



Bonus Modules

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Make better business forecasts

Want to know how your business is looking next month, next quarter, next year? Stop shopping for a crystal ball. What you need is a business forecast. .In this special Bonus Module Nev takes you through how your cash flow sets the groundwork for forecasting and the basics of forecasting so you can know where your business is heading beyond your monthly Profit and Loss.  After all, getting rid of the uncertainty around cash flow and the future provides less stress and more insight to allow you to make better decisions.

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How to make thresholds

In this quick and easy tutorial, you’ll learn how to manipulate the thresholds in your spreadsheets to give you greater visibility over your money.


Talking about my business finances normally makes me want to breathe into a paper bag. Nev has a clever way of making it interesting, non-threatening and dare I say it… kind of fun? His can-do attitude left me empowered to take control of the finances of the business, without passing out from boredom. If you have a creative business, his smarts are what you need.



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Join now and get

instant access!!!



  • Three modules of essential finance learnings
  • The secret technique of Big Corporations
  • An easy to use system for injecting flexibility and piece of mind into managing cash flow
  • 2 templates to kick you into gear
  • PLUS!!! Bonus modules:
  • – Make better business forecasts
  • – How to make thresholds
  • – Includes how to make better predictions about future cash flow

Are you ready to finally take control of your finances?

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